Deck the Hauls with Loads of Christmas Trees


The Capitol Christmas Tree recently made headlines when it reached the White House in a Flatbed Truck on November 20 after a cross-country journey from Southwest Colorado. 

While most don’t receive the attention that this noble one was awarded, over 25 million Christmas trees are sold every holiday season, according to the National Christmas Tree Association.  The majority of people don’t think twice about how their tree got from the forest to the lot, but transporting the trees has added an extra jingle to hundreds of Flatbed Truck drivers’ pockets. 

You too can join the festivities and make a little, or a lot, of extra Christmas cash.  All you need is a Flatbed Truck.  Here’s how:

Large Load Hauling

With a full-size Flatbed Truck, you can load the bed with Christmas trees from a tree farm and deliver them to the lots where they will be sold.  You will want to secure the trees and cover them.  Side slats on your Flatbed are optional but helpful.  If you have the time, you can contract out from multiple lots and deliver to a number of retail locations. There are even opportunities to deliver nationwide since not all geographic areas are suitable for growing trees.

Small Haul

In the long haul, putting together some short, small hauls is a great and profitable idea.  Many people bask in the joy of picking out a family Christmas tree only to realize they have no way to get it to their home.  Most Christmas tree lots don’t deliver.  But, many will gladly share your information so their customers can arrange to get their tree home. 


Haul Away           

Of the 25 million individuals who will put up a Christmas tree, most will also need to dispose of them.  Rules and regulations of private disposal through garbage companies vary from location to location, but typically require the customer to chop or chip the tree before they will pick it up.  That leaves a large market available of people who don’t have the time or desire to mess with what it takes to have their garbage truck make the pick-up.  With a Flatbed and a little muscle, you can seize the opportunity to make some after Christmas bucks too.


Choosing a Christmas Tree Hauling Vehicle

Flatbed Trucks aren’t the only Commercial Vehicles fit for transporting Christmas trees.  You can load them into large vans and Box Trucks but since Flatbeds are designed to haul loads that are extra-large and/or irregular, you don’t have to wrestle with the trees and branches to make sure they fit.  

“I use my Flatbed for hauling everything from hay bales to heavy equipment on my farm during the rest of the year but the holidays are reserved for delivering Christmas trees,” stated Kelly Carlson of Denver.  “Since I offer the service every year, people know they can count on me to get their tree from the lot or the forest for a small fee,”  Kelly added that he loves to dawn his Santa suit when making the deliveries. 

When using a Flatbed to deliver or haul away Christmas trees, consider using slats on the side to secure them in the bed.  You can also tie a large tarp over them in case it rains or snows.  If you are going to be delivering in an assembly-line type method, like transporting farm-to-lot, you may want to invest in a small Forklift. 


MJ TruckNation

At MJ TruckNation, we have a wide selection of Flatbed Trucks that are perfect for your Christmas Tree Hauling business.  You’ll find both new and used Flatbeds at prices too good to pass up.  We also have on-site financing so we are able to do what many other dealerships can’t when it comes to getting you approved for a loan.  And, if you don’t live in the South Florida area, that’s alright.  We deliver.  Call MJ TruckNation today at (561) 220-9992.



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