Are you looking for a Dump Truck?  What you’ll be dumping is the main factor to consider when choosing a new or used Dump Truck.  The manufacture, year model, and other details won’t matter much if you don’t choose according to your load size and type.  It’s imperative to buy not just the perfect truck but the perfect truck for you. 

For instance, you may have your eye on a sweet deal on a Dumper, but if it’s larger than you need, you’ll be using excess fuel and power.  But, if it’s too small for your loads, you will have wasted your money altogether.

Vital Specs for Choosing a Dump Truck

Don’t be stuck out with a Dumper that is over or under-qualified for the work you’ll be using it for.  Consider these five things before you [...]

Day Cab Trucks offer a lot of advantages over trucks with sleeper cabs in many instances.  If a sleeper would just be taking up room, why foot the expense?  If you drive locally or prefer stopping to get a room anyway, check out all the great reasons a Day Cab might be a great fit for you.

What is a Day Cab?

A Day Cab is also known as a Semi-Truck Cab minus a sleeper area.  They come in tandem drive axels and single axels.  You can find them in many makes and models with different specifications.  Day Cabs were around before Sleeper Cab Trucks were invented.  They served the sole purpose of transporting heavy loads across town or across the nation.  Day Cabs are commonly seen in heavy distribution areas like airports, distribution sites, industrial sections of town, and around [...]


Hino.  It’s a name that’s been around since 1942 and when it comes to diesel engines, we’re beginning to believe that “they’ve got this”.   You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better manufacturer. 

About Cab and Chassis

Cab and Chassis are some of the most versatile work trucks on the market.  They are the choice of scores of professional drivers and workers and independent contractors too.  There are many models to choose from so you’re sure to find one that suits your needs in a commercial vehicle. 

A Cab and Chassis is a truck with a front cab but no trailer or bed.  The back axle is in plain view, ready to hook on to a trailer or whatever hook-up you need if you require one at all.  That’s the beauty of a Cab and Chassis, while most work vehicles are limiting, a Cab and Chassis leaves [...]


If you’re in the market for a lucrative side hustle this spring, you might want to consider starting a hauling business.  With a good Work Truck and a little muscle, you’ll be well on your way to making some bucks.  Here’s how to make it happen:

Make a PlanWhat do you want to haul?  You can specialize in yard clean-up, garage clean-outs, trash removal, or large item pick-up.  Or, you can choose to be a jack-of-all-trades.  It’s a good idea to think each option through and what it will take, money-wise and physically to get the jobs done.

Secure a Truck:  You’ll need something to haul with.  A work vehicle will most likely be your largest investment.  A Flatbed Truck is a great choice because you can fit more in it than [...]


It’s just about that time!  Spring is bringing plenty of work to the Landscaping industry.  Over half of all residential homeowners and 30% of commercial property owners employ the services of landscaping, including designing and building, maintenance, and other ground details.  That’s a lot of work!

Make sure your Landscape Business blooms in full color when you get your business done with a great landscaping truck.  Whether it’s a brand new one or a newer used one, you owe it to your company and to your customers to maximize your services with help from a dependable, hard-working truck.

Here are some ways having an awesome Landscape Truck can help:

Economy:  If you are paying a ton to keep your current Work Truck running, it’s time to invest in one that [...]


It’s no secret – 2020 was a challenging year for all.  For many businesses, it was “sink or swim”.  In a recently posted YouTube video, Florida-based MJ TruckNation president, MJ Martin, candidly talked about the tribulations and triumphs the year presented the truck dealership and, perhaps most importantly, revealed hopeful plans for going forward into 2021.

Winners tend to have one thing in common when it comes to adversity – instead of a stumbling block, they use obstacles as stepping stones.  Such has been the case at MJ TruckNation with Martin at the helm.

Going into the chaos of the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 pandemic, Martin closed up shop, locking the doors for the safety of his employees, customers, and of course, himself.  Strict measures were put into place which would eventually lead to the reopening of [...]


In a recent YouTube video, MJ TruckNation president MJ Martin recapped how the company handled the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the measures in the plans going into 2021.  Throughout the video, one thing rang loud and clear – MJ TruckNation LOVES its customers!

How the Story Began

MJ TruckNation was established in 2007 on the concept that by selling top-notch Commercial Vehicles at rock-bottom prices, everyone would win.  Great emphasis was placed on customer satisfaction as well as on repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.  The same holds true to this day.

MJ TruckNation Today

As an authorized Isuzu, Hino, and Fuso dealer (just to mention a few), MJ TruckNation is a leader in Commercial Vehicle sales.  They offer an all-inclusive dealership – sales, service, and parts- in order to make the customer’s experience exceptional and convenient.  On-site [...]



Going electric is the latest trend in vehicle technology.  As it stands, the vehicle earning the prestigious title of being the world’s biggest electric vehicle is a whopping 45-ton mining dump truck endearingly dubbed the “eDumper”. 

Formally named the Anglo American Komatsu.  This big boy may have to step aside though.  There’s a new, even bigger, electric beast truck in town.  And…it’s a Dump Truck too but it weighs in at 580,000 pounds (20 tons).

Electric vehicles aren’t the only concept trending.  Focus is being placed on sustainability and other eco-friendly features.  The eDumper is powered by a reserve of hydrogen for fuel as well as electricity.  It is designed for use in the mining industry, a field that is currently filled with controversy with many believing it is guilty of destroying the earth [...]



If you have a farm or ranch, you know how important it is to have vehicles to help you get the work done.  You need a work truck that runs smoothly so your farm can run smoothly too.  Here’s a look at some of the best types of farm work trucks that are as tough as the work is…and versatile too.

Flatbed Trucks

A Flatbed Truck is a must on a farm.  Heavy, odd-shaped, irregular loads that won’t be ruined when they are exposed to the weather can be transported with ease in a Flatbed.  They are designed to take a beating, conquering rough roads and other compromising conditions. 

From hauling hay bales to transporting heavy equipment and even livestock (with proper side rails intact), Flatbed Trucks have a multitude of uses [...]



If you’re tired of the 8-5 grind, go ahead…quit your day job.  If you have a Dump Truck, or are able to get one, your future is loaded with opportunities.  Many are making super-sized profits in the junk hauling business and you can too.  Whether you pick one of the tons of specialized niches or go for it all, there are plenty of possibilities for utilizing your truck for big bucks.

Junk Hauling

Trash hauling is a business that you don’t need special training for – no degree required.  You don’t even need a CDL unless you go over the 26,000-pound GVWR allowance.  Very little equipment is required.  Demand is typically high and competition is generally low so if you’re ready to roll, here’s how to do it:

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